
All articles on this blog are the property of Kenneth Jeyaretnam. I give permission to  anyone to quote, or use* a reasonable  part  of anything  written in my blog, as long as all the following conditions are met:

1. My blog URL ( and my full name (Kenneth Jeyaretnam) is attributed.

2. Only a reasonable part is reproduced ( a paragraph or two?) Have a heart. I need those viewing stats too

3. There is no deliberate attempt to distort or misrepresent what is written.

4. You agree to grant me the right of reply on your blogs, newspapers or other media platforms .

These conditions apply to both on-line and mainstream media.

I am always happy to use my blog to publish and publicise the work of other bloggers in return.

* “Use”  referred to  in the first paragraph includes but is not limited to publishing a  link which leads to my blog or referencing my articles in a way that is obvious to any reasonable reader  even when not actually quoting them verbatim.

Thank You.

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