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The people need to speak up for the people.

Protesting against the censorship of the internet

Free my Singapore everything!

Andrew Loh’s recent  status update on his Facebook page (no offence Andrew) shows how muddled our thinking is on  media freedom no matter how well-meaning.

Andrew says in his latest Status Update

“What, really, gives the Govt the audacity to do as it pleases is when newspaper people – past and present – do not stand up or speak up against the Govt’s irrational behaviour and unsubstantiated reasons for Internet rules and regulations.”

Why would Andrew or any other Singaporean expect “newspaper people” past or present  to speak up against the government? Newspaper people ARE the government. How could they speak up against themselves? And there is also nothing irrational about the  PAP Government’s behaviour and attempts to control the internet.  Surely for them it is the next logical step.

Let me explain, as it is vitally important that we get to grips with the issues of the PAP’s unfettered power and start blaming ourselves for giving it to them.

There are two types of newspaper people and the media organisations that employ them.

The first type is those who have simply disappeared, who have been sued into non-existence, packed up and gone elsewhere or who still publish here but have been effectively gagged by distribution agreements.

The second type is the newspaper people still remaining – PAP people.  I’m not referring to balance or slant in favour of the PAP.  I am talking about absolute control over the Media Organisations’ very right to exist and absolute  control over management and hiring and firing through the Newspapers Printing and Presses Act. This Act is what makes our newspaper people, government people.

The PAP brought in The Newspapers Printing and Presses Act  after Lee Kuan Yew decided he could not tolerate the first and only independent newspaper in Singapore, the Singapore Herald.  I remember on the last day before their licence was revoked they published a cartoon of Lee Kuan Yew in a tank crushing the Herald which was depicted as a baby.

This Act controls the media by way of deciding first of all who can set up a press here.  Once a newspaper company is approved, the PAP then controls the management of those newspaper companies . The management shareholders of a newspaper company have to be persons approved by the PAP Minister.

Additionally, the management shareholders have 200 votes for every share that they hold in relation to hiring and firing decisions. As a result of this arrangement, the government approved management shareholders have effective control over the newspaper companies.

Newspaper companies are not even in a position to refuse the appointment of these management shareholders. They can appeal but the PAP Minister’s decision can only be appealed to the President.  Whether it is to do with our media or our internet, the President is required by Law, by Acts passed by our PAP parliament, to act in accordance with and upon the advice of the cabinet. That’s Article 21 of the Constitution. It’s a perfect closed circle.

So what takes away the freedom of our media is this closed circle issue again . In this case Media organisations can only appeal decisions made by the PAP to the President but the role of President as I keep telling you, is a farce!

Make no mistake, I am not talking about Tony Tan or any other President real or wannabe. I am referring to the way the President’s role is structured and subscribed by law. No independent President is going to save you on this issue.

And so with the internet. The real threat to the freedom of our internet is not any later amendments to the Broadcasting Act but the very Act itself and the powers it gives the MDA. The Act is so badly worded that it is broad enough to be defined as rogue or lawless. Precisely because it is so broad and vague and badly worded, the MDA can do anything and everything and never be accused of breaking the law.

The Free My Internet Campaign, is brilliant. They worked hard and quickly and were very effective but with a very narrow focus. I am one, as you know, who never shies away from speaking up for our bloggers and freedoms and was myself vilified in the WSJ by the MDA for speaking up against defamation laws. Yet, I would not put up ‘Free My Internet’ on my Facebook timeline because that would be to miss the point.

What we all have to wake up to – the new generation of bloggers and old-fashioned pen pushers alike – is that Parliament enacted these Laws and we let it happen. We allowed our parliament to pass a law that gave them unfettered power with no check on that power because anything and everything they do is within the ( very broad and vague) law. Once again I tell you that our parliament doesn’t function as it should in  a democracy

Actually if there is one area where the PAP are going to come up against the limits of their ability to exert total control over the citizenry, it is the internet. Probably of all of our freedoms it is the least in danger. It is hilarious to think of the PAP even attempting to curtail it.    As demonstrated so ably by Anonymous , the PAP will simply fail here.

The rather narrow focus of the Free My Internet Campaign on some new amendments to an Act that is lawlessness itself,  distracts from the real issue.  The real issue is bad laws that can be enacted by a parliament that has no check on its power because democracy doesn’t function.

Where the government meets no check on its absolute power you also have no rule of law. No wonder people are talking about a revolution and wondering why we even bother having elections.

Newspaper people are never going to speak up against their own employers. That is like puling out a nail that sticks out in the hull of a rotten sampan and expecting that to make the vessel seaworthy.  When a sampan is rotten the whole ship needs scuttling  with an axe and replacing with something more fit for purpose in the 21st century and beyond.

Disclaimer, I am not a lawyer: Read Subra for a better explanation of the various laws


  1. I agree with most of what you have said Kenneth. It is a difficult situation in Singapore if most of its citizens are unwilling to stand up for their rights. What you’ll need is a hoard of citizens who are disgruntled enough to step up and make their voices heard.

    Most, like me, just give up and leave,so that we don’t have to put up with the SH*% that frustrates us and become active citizens of another country that we feel have a more freedom of speech.

    I wish you good luck.


  2. Brilliant, Kenneth! You have hit the nail on its head. The voters are ultimately to be blamed for giving PAP’s unfettered power and encouraging its bad behaviour to continue. Come 2015/16, we need to put the PAP in its place.


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